Alyona by Jonathan Leder
Brooke Lynne by chafographie
Vera Stankeeva by Eva Tokarchuk
Cato van Ee by Benjamin Vnuk for Marie Claire Spain
Benjamin Vnuk for Marie Claire Spain (via visualoptimism)
Promoted Work: Alvin Booth's "Osmosis" - Gallery 1
Alvin Booth's exhibition "Osmosis" opens today at Gallery 1. His work is both provocative and carefully crafted. Gallery 1 has also written up a great introduction to his history and work.
For those not living in the Netherlands, the full exhibition can be seen online and prints are available to order.
You can find the gallery here:
Promoted Work: Ryan Walter Wagner
Ryan Walter Wagner hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Ryan never gets caught up in single subject - he is the kind of guy who lives through his eyes; his camera captures the world as it moves past him.
You can find his main site here and his blog here.
Aneta Bartos
Aneta Bartos (via dazeddigital)