Soft Porn, Hardening Hearts: A Magazine’s Private Story

by Jonathan Tayler for The Brooklyn Ink.

“I don’t think there’s a lot of quality magazines out there, period,” Jonathan said. “The plastic wrap stuff is pretty disgusting. The quality of photography is bad. You’ll see some cute girls, for sure, but is it totally Photoshopped? Is it shot with digital cameras and terrible lighting? Today, it’s the lowest common denominator with everything.”


This is a fascinating story about Jacques Magazine, a small, independent publication which launched with great promise but stalled and is now being resurrected by Danielle Leder on her own.

( the full article)

To be honest, I have never seen a copy of Jacques Magazine - The Lavumisa news agent doesn't stock it (okay, it's not really a news agent and the only thing they do stock is The Swaziland Observer who seem to specialize in gems like this). I have seen some of their work online which is not the same as a physical edition but I am really interested in getting a subscription when the new issues come out.

I hope she cracks it.