Promoted Work: Kickstarter - Burlesque Compére Book by Van Sarki

"Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are"

Christopher Barzak

Van Sarki's Burl Esque Book is an honest and unpretentious look at how people express themselves through the masks they wear. It's a great project; it's so close to it's goal - let's push it over the edge.

You can find a full description on his Kickstarter page. Go support him.

Promoted Work: Kickstarter - Burl Esque Book by Van Sarki

Burl Esque Book by Van Sarki

"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin."


Van Sarki's Burl Esque Book is an honest and unpretentious look at how people express themselves through the masks they wear. This is one of those personal projects that we should all get behind. I backed it this week and I hope you will too; even a few dollars will help him reach his goal.

You can find a full description on his Kickstarter page. Go support him.

Promoted Work: Kickstarter - Burl Esque Book by Van Sarki

Burl Esque Book by Van Sarki

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."


"I think a person's true being is captured physically when they are natural and have no hair or make-up, no mask to hide under. And then a persons true emotional and intellectual being is captured through interaction when they are wearing a mask."


Van Sarki has created a beautiful series of photographs that he is putting into a book. This is a project that we should really get behind.

You can find a full description of Van Sarki's Burl Esque Book on Kickstarter.