Promoted Work: Geoff Dunlop - Go Gentle

Geoff Dunlop

Geoff Dunlop is exhibiting his series Go Gentle near to Carra, Tuscany from December 7 until January 6

The show will feature projections, accompanied by associated prints.

Geoff sent over some beautiful high-resolution images:



Here is the text that accompanies the show:

The British artist Geoff Dunlop is one of eight at Colletivo 1, an exhibition exploring the edges of contemporary photography. The show runs at the Garage Bonci gallery in Pietrasanta, Tuscany, Italy, between December 7, 2012 and January 6, 2013. Pietrasanta is known as the City of the Artists because of its long association with the working of the local Carrara marble by artists as distinguished as Michelangelo.

In contrast with the materiality of marble Geoff Dunlop's featured work, GO GENTLE, deals with the elusiveness of the digital image and the way its slips and slides with time.  The centrepiece of GO GENTLE is a projection that focusses on the movement artist Hayley Barker.  Where the land meets the sea the figure Hayley portrays stands, sits and lies, moves and stays frozen in time. Eventually she gives herself up to the place, as we all must give ourselves up to the inevitable.

Geoff comments: "Some people say that they should rave against the inevitable. Show their anger. Resist. Refuse to “go gentle into that good night ... rage, rage against the dying of the light,” as the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas declared on the death of his father.

 "GO GENTLE is not intended as counter-polemic against this point of view. Perhaps life should always, will always, fight for its continued existence. But the piece does reflect upon the human desire to control, shape, transform and fight the inevitable. Could a barrier against change be built high enough – and, if so, with what consequences?"

As if to emphasise the way the photographic image challenges and defies time, Geoff complements the projection with five large prints taken from the "performance".